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Funani: Rationale

December 26, 2018

Funani: Rationale

Why yet another media management system?

There are already great existing free software projects aiming at similar goals.

None of them could satisfy all these requirements:

  • Robustness against file renaming (many tools just link local files)
  • Ease of searching, many are great at viewing but do not hold the necessary metadata for good searches
  • Client/Server based, search and access data remotely
  • History of modifications, links between images

Example: KPhotoAlbum

The images are linked and not stored in an extra place (that means if you move or rename the images, the links are broken) and cannot be accessed remotely.

Why not use a proprietary tool?

Going the way of using a proprietary tool for my private data is a no-go for me. Wouldn't you also like to have the full control on how and where your personal data is stored? Beside this also the commercial software that satisfies all the requirements above could not be found by us...